9 Hermit Street, London, EC1V 7NR     020 7683 1706     info@zaytunwelfaretrust.com     100% Donation Policy

Our Projects

Helping people through different ways by providing relief and medical assistance to the poor, needy and sick.

Omar Faruque Academy

Kindly donate this noble project and help them to carry on with their studies.


Please join us this year, share your Qur’bani with some of the poorest people in south Asia.

Eid Gift

Please Donate so children won’t go hungry on the days of Eid.


By giving Zakat you can help Zaytun Welfare Trust save and transform lives.

Ramadan / Iftar

Please Donate so people won’t go hungry on the days of Ramadhan.

Safe Water

We are working to provide water for the suffering people around 64 districts in Bangladesh.

Free Eye Operations

Donate Your Zakat. Your donations enable us to save lives.


Please Donate so people won’t go hungry on the days of Ramadhan.

Sewing Machine

Please donate on this rewarding project which can support a family for years to come.

Poultry Purchase

Our goal is to discover more family in rural areas of Bangladesh who are in desperate needs.

Sharing Qur'an

To continue and expands our Education Project in 2023

Trees Planting

Kindly donate to continue and expands our Trees Planting Project in 2023

Islamic Book Distribution

Please donat to continue and expands our Education Project in 2023.


Please Donate so people won’t go hungry on the days of Ramadhan.

Marriage Support

Please Donate to continue and expands our Marriage Support Project in 2023.

Provision of Water Pumps

We are working to provide water for the suffering people around 64 districts in Bangladesh.

Housing Assestance

A roof over one’s head is the start of improving the lives of many families.

Helping the Mosque

Our plans to continue built or repair Masjid so that people can perfume their daily salah in comfort and peace.

Clothing Project

Please Donate to continue and expands our Clothing Project in 2023.


Please donate to continue and expands our Education Project in 2023

Rickshaw Project

Lets put a smile on their face today by donation one Rickshaw.

Orphan Appeal

Kindness towards orphans is a religious duty and obligation